Connecting Your Wallet

Connecting to OnChainBets via MetaMask on Desktop

To integrate your wallet with OnChainBets, navigate to the platform and click on "Connect wallet." Opt for the MetaMask option, and if not already connected, the platform will seamlessly switch to the Polygon/Gnosis network. Once prompted, sign the transaction to express your agreement with the Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy, and Bet rules.

Connecting to OnChainBets via MetaMask on Mobile

If you're looking to initiate betting on OnChainBets through your mobile device using MetaMask, adhere to these steps:

  1. Launch the MetaMask app on your mobile device.

  2. Access the settings tab positioned on the top left side of your screen.

  3. Select "Browser" from the list of options.

  4. Type "OnChainBets" in the URL search bar.

  5. Tap "Connect Wallet" on the top right side of your screen, and then select MetaMask.

For first-time connections to OnChainBets, you'll be prompted to approve the addition of the Polygon/Gnosis Chain RPC to your wallet. Simply select "Approve."

  1. Upon completion, you've successfully linked to OnChainBets and Gnosis Chain.

Connecting to OnChainBets via Wallet Connect on Desktop

For users attempting to connect to OnChainBets via Wallet Connect on a desktop, scan the QR code with your mobile device and follow the aforementioned guide for mobile connections.

Please note that as of the current writing, automatic addition of the Gnosis Chain RPC with Wallet Connect API is not feasible.

XYZ Free Bet NFT

Free Bet Contract Addresses:

  • Gnosis V2: 0xB425E555492eE36c5A2918481EbbcF04AE73682b

  • Polygon V2: 0x3df16FB8Dc28F63565AF2815E04a3368360FFd23

Last updated